Full-time programmes

leading to a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in

– highway building

– structural engineering

– bridge design and construction

– construction technology and project management

  • 1,5-year (3 semesters) graduate programmes

leading to a master’s degree (MSc) in

–  highway building

–  structural engineering

–  bridge design and construction

–  construction technology and project management

–  building information modelling (BIM)

Part-time programmes

  • 4-year (8 semesters) undergraduate programmes

leading to a bachelor’s degree (BSc) in

–  highway building

–  construction engineering

  • 2-year (4 semesters) graduate programmes

leading to a master’s degree (MSc) in

– highway building

– structural engineering

– construction technology and project management


The undergraduate qualification is awarded to students who

  • have demonstrated basic engineering knowledge of the principles applicable to the design and construction of building components and structures, including residential, commercial and industrial buildings and transportation infrastructure;
  • can apply computer skills and modern technologies in engineering practice, identify and solve basic problems with the use of analytical, simulation and experimental methods, assess the non-technical and economic effects of engineering activities;
  • are prepared to manage and supervise construction work, work independently and on teams with contractors, manufacturers of building elements and materials, state and local units related to construction and architecture.

The graduate qualification is awarded to students who

  • have demonstrated advanced knowledge of engineering principles and practices pertaining to the design and implementation of complex projects, including residential, commercial and industrial buildings and transportation infrastructure, construction technology and management, selection and use of modern building materials and techniques;
  • can apply a range of CAE tools for design and modelling
  • have the ability to identify and solve complex design, organizational and technological problems, manage risks;
  • have the ability to develop and implement research programs, cooperate on international projects, participate in the marketing and promotion of construction products;
  • are prepared to attain a position in civil engineering and related fields, work with multiple teams, manage large teams at construction sites;
  • are prepared to participate in ongoing personal and professional growth.

Full-time programmes

  • 4-year (8 semesters – including a work placement semester) undergraduate programme

leading to a bachelor’s degree (BArch)

  • 1,5-year (3 semesters) graduate programme

leading to a master’s degree (MArch)

The undergraduate qualification is awarded to students who

  • have demonstrated a basic engineering knowledge and understanding of the theory and history of architecture and urban planning, fine arts, architectural engineering, building structures, building physics, architectural and urban design, building law, as well as investment and the development process in Poland and the EU Member States;
  • have the ability to shape the environment in the way that responds to specified needs, improves the quality of life, and meets the aesthetic, functional and technical requirements;
  • have the ability to design basic architectural structures and their surroundings, play one of the key roles in construction and construction supervision;
  • have the skills to continue self-directed study for professional development.

The graduate qualification is awarded to students who

  • have demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the principles of architectural and urban design, conservation works and spatial planning;
  • can apply the procedures of developing architectural designs relative to fundamental performance, safety and comfort, and accessibility;
  • have the ability to solve complex design problems, develop and implement research programmes, undertake international projects, participate in research in fields directly related to architecture and urban planning;
  • are prepared to work in architectural and urban design offices, local government and state administration units and research institutes;
  • perform independent functions in design, manage and oversee construction works, coordinate project teams.

The IT specialist is one of the most sought-after professions on the labour market. Students learn how to design complex IT systems, Internet applications, create computer games and programs for mobile devices. The program prepares students for careers in in software development companies, IT systems administration or their own IT business. The Faculty’s cooperation with IT companies allows students to understand the specificity of the IT profession, as well as acquire practical skills in programming and designing IT systems by participating in classes, workshops, internships, and courses conducted by company representatives.
full -time studies

3.5-year (7 semesters) first-cycle studies leading to BSc degree (inżynier)
Subject areas:
–    information systems
–    computer graphics
–    information technology networking

• 1.5-year (3 semesters) second-cycle studies leading to MSc degree
(magister inżynier)

Subject areas:
–      information systems
–      computer graphics
–      cybersecurity

part-time studies
• 4-year (8 semesters) first-cycle studies leading to BSc degree (inżynier)

Subject areas:
–    information systems
–    computer graphics
–    computer systems and networking
• 2 -year (4 semesters) second-cycle studies leading to MSc degree (magister inżynier)

Subject areas:
–      information systems
–      computer graphics
–      cybersecurity

IS (information systems) covers organization and architecture of modern computer systems, operating systems, computer networks and databases. Students can program computers, design information systems and have basic knowledge of artificial intelligence, computer graphics and multimedia systems. They know the principles of software engineering and are prepared for careers in companies and programming teams dealing with the design, implementation and operation of information systems. They are provided with the knowledge of Internet technologies sufficient for the design and management of network information systems.
Computer graphics prepares students to program in modern programming languages. They have the knowledge of operating systems, know the principles of computer building systems, including modern graphics processors, the basics of databases, computer networks and the principles of software engineering, as well as advanced computer graphics programming techniques, multimedia systems, the basics of creating computer games, the principles of image composition and basic information about art form and art history. They are provided with the knowledge of image processing, the basics of using software for raster, 3D and vector graphics.
ICT covers designing and administering complex network systems, big data analytics and designing security solutions related to cybersecurity. ICT graduates gain knowledge, skills and competences supported by numerous international Cisco certificates that can be obtained during the course of study. Students acquire programming skills in Python and C ++, as well as knowledge of the Linux operating system, the basics of routing and switching, designing ICT networks and wide area network technologies.

Learning outcomes (first-cycle studies)
Students have knowledge and skills of general IT issues and additionally, depending on the selected specialization, the knowledge and technical skills of IT systems, computer graphics or ICT. They know the principles of modern computer building and are well acquainted with the devices cooperating with computers. They have the knowledge of operating systems, computer networks and databases; they develop programming skills and know the principles of software engineering allowing them to work effectively in programming teams. They also have the basic knowledge of artificial intelligence and human-computer communication. The graduates are prepared for the careers in IT as well as in companies and organizations using IT tools and systems.

Learning outcomes (second-cycle studies)
Graduates have extended knowledge of information systems or computer graphics and are prepared to carry out design and development tasks in technical informatics. They can analyze and evaluate design solutions obtained in conditions of limited information about the designed system, choose the right design technique for hardware, software and mixed systems, and solve problems related to the development of design tools and techniques in the field of computer science. They are prepared to undertake difficult design tasks and solve current research problems.

semester 1

semester 2

semester 4

semester 5

semester 6

Selectable specialist courses – Specialization: Information systems

  • Server administration
  • Network applications
  • Cloud computing – infrastructures and services
  • Natural language processing methods
  • Modelling and visualization of physical processes
  • Programs of raster, vector and 3d graphics
  • User interface design
  • Design of circuits used in electronics
  • UX/UI design
  • Multimedia systems
  • Network technologies for information transport
  • Software testing
  • Introduction to human-computer interaction
  • Advanced C++ Programming
    Selectable specialist courses – Specialization: Computer Graphics
  • Server administration
  • Network applications
  • Modelling and visualization of physical processes
  • Mobile application programming
  • Computer game programming
  • Programs of raster, vector and 3d graphics
  • User interface design
  • Design of circuits used in electronics
  • UX/UI design
  • Multimedia systems
  • Network technologies for information transport
  • Software testing
  • Introduction to human-computer interaction
  • Advanced C++ Programming
    Selectable specialist courses – Specialization: Information Technology Networking
  • Server administration
  • Network applications
  • Digital signal processing in teleinformatics
  • Cloud computing infrastructure and services
  • Natural language processing methods
  • Mobile application programming
  • Design of circuits used in electronics
  • UX/UI design
  • Linux Essentials 1
  • Real time location systems
  • Software testing
  • Advanced C++ Programming

semester 7

The course of Automation and Industrial Electrical Engineering was created in response to the local market’s demand for highly qualified specialists. The course combines the fields of automation, electrical engineering and computer science. Interesting projects implemented during the course in cooperation with companies will allow students to gain practical knowledge and establish contacts with potential employers.

study languages: Polish
Full-time course

  • 3.5-year course (7 semesters) , first cycle degree program

leading to BSc – Bachelor of Science in Automation and Industrial Electrical Engineering

First-cycle-program graduates

Graduates will be prepared to work in the positions of an automation electrician. They will gain knowledge tailored to the requirements of plants using automated and robotic production lines, vision systems, Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things technologies. Graduates have skills that will enable them to effectively apply their knowledge of mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computer science and automation to analyze contemporary engineering problems and synthesize their solutions, which will allow them to carry out engineering tasks in design offices and modern industrial plants. Graduates will be able to create software for PCs, PLC controllers and microcontrollers. They will learn how to program machine control systems, production processes, CNC machine tools and industrial robots. They will be able to use modern IT tools, including CAD / CAS and SCADA software, for rapid prototyping, design, simulation, and visualization of automation systems and industrial processes. They will be able to design automation systems complying with the basic standards, norms and legal regulations, as well as drive systems, power supply systems, electrical installations and protection systems for electrical devices. Students will undertake industrial placements provided by leading automation companies in the region, which will help them quickly find a job in the field.

Electromobility is a course of the future – constant innovations in the electric car industry have a great impact on the transport sector. Currently, the labour market is facing a shortage of staff prepared for servicing and maintaining electric vehicles and the infrastructure involved.

study language:  Polish
Full-time course

  • 3.5-year course (7 semesters) , first cycle degree program

leading to : BSc – Bachelor of Science in electromobility

First-cycle-program graduates

Graduates of the course will receive a comprehensive education in this interdisciplinary field – including knowledge in the field of design, construction, control and use of power electronic traction converters, electric vehicle drives, energy storage, electric vehicle charging stations, automatic control systems, microprocessor systems – which will enable them to solve problems related to current technological and innovative challenges in the coming decades. Graduates’ knowledge, combined with the continuous demand to transform to ecological vehicles equipped with electric drive will allow them to be employed by one of the dynamically growing enterprises, institutions and organizations dealing with electric and hybrid vehicles engineering. Graduates will be prepared to work in the field of industry related to electric and hybrid vehicles and the adequate infrastructure necessary for the proper functioning of this type of transport, as well as in already existing companies producing transport fleet and municipal transport companies that implement eco-friendly vehicles.  The extensive knowledge acquired in the course of the program in the field of power electronics, automation of electric drives and electronic systems additionally gives the graduate a strong foundation to work in the profession of electrical equipment maintenance engineer, which today is in great demand, as well as the possibility of continuing education in the second-cycle courses in the discipline of Electronics, Automation and Electrical Engineering.

Electrical engineering is a course for candidates who are not afraid of electricity, are keen on challenges and pursue technical interests. Students will learn the methods of producing and distributing electricity, methods of converting electricity into mechanical, thermal or chemical energy used in industry or at home, the fundamentals of designing and operating electrical devices and electrical installations. They will gain qualifications to work in many areas related to energy conversion, automation of production processes, as well as design and operation of power electronic devices.

study language:  Polish
Full-time course

  • 3.5-year course (7 semesters) , first cycle degree program

leading to BSc – Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


– automatic control systems
– industrial and power electronics
– computer-based measurement systems
– conventional energy conversion and utilization

  • 1.5-year course (3 semesters), second cycle degree program

leading to  MSc – Master of Science in Electrical Engineering 

– automatic control systems
– industrial and power electronics
– computer-based measurement systems
– conventional energy conversion and utilization

Part-time course

  • 4-year (8 semesters) first cycle degree program

leading to  BSc – Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

– automatic control and systems
– industrial and power electronics
– computer-based measurement systems
– conventional energy conversion and utilization


  • 2-year (4 semesters) the second cycle degree program

leading to  MSc – Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

– automatic control and systems
– industrial and power electronics
– computer-based measurement systems
– conventional energy conversion and utilization

In the scope of automatic control and systems, students will gain skills necessary for process modelling, analysis and synthesis of control systems, building automation components and devices, programming and application of microprocessor controllers and microcontrollers, power electronic drive systems, fundaments of robotics and computer-aided design of automation systems.

In the scope of industrial  and power electronics, students receive a thorough preparation covering the theory and analysis methods, computer modelling and computer-aided design of microprocessor-controlled industrial electronics systems, with particular emphasis on power electronic systems used, inter alia, in automated electric drives, traction vehicles, induction heating, energy, in modern lighting, household and military technology.

In the scope of computer-based measurement systems, students acquire knowledge in the field of analogue and digital measuring transducers, VLSI systems, with particular emphasis on programmable systems used in metrology, standard measuring interfaces, microprocessor systems, single-chip microcomputer microcontrollers, measuring systems for electrical and non-electrical quantities.

First-cycle-program graduates

Graduates gain engineering competence in related fields, such as automation and measurement systems, energy conversion and power electronics, electric drives and industrial electronics, necessary for various types of services and production, independent and innovative technical problem solving, the use of new technologies and computer devices and information technology in design and management, e.g. automation systems and systems, electricity conversion, power electronics. They are capable of using computer-aided design software for designing electrical networks and installations, securing and protecting electrical devices of modern drive systems, as well as operating technological, switching, security, control and measuring devices powered by electricity.

Second-cycle-program graduates

Graduates are provided with advanced and thorough knowledge in the field of design, construction, operation and testing of electrical devices and computer measurement systems and digital control systems. They are skilled at using appropriate IT and electronic tools.

It is a new, attractive field of study of a practical profile for those interested in ICT.  It offers a wide range of courses, including 6 months of internship, as well as workshops on soft skills and an extended course of ESP.  Students can obtain renowned Cisco certificates, recognized all over the world and appreciated by employers (e.g. CCNA, CCNP, C / C ++, Python, CCNA CyberOps, IoT, BigData, DevNet, Linux). The acquired knowledge and professional competence allow the graduates to pursue careers in all companies operating in a broadly understood ICT industry.

study language:  Polish
Full -time studies


  • 3.5-year (7 semesters) first-cycle studies leading to BEng degree


Learning outcomes (first-cycle studies of a practical profile)

The observed dynamic development of ICT and IoT technologies is related to the increasing demand for specialized staff who will be able to develop, implement, maintain and use the technologies that are already available. Graduates of ICT, thanks to the experience gained during their studies, are be prepared to deal with challenges in constantly developing ICT field. During their studies, they acquire in-depth knowledge of ICT networks, the most important operating systems and the necessary programming languages. Completing the program of a practical profile allows the graduates to gain extensive professional experience in the course of studies.  The graduates are prepared to start a professional career in the areas of: design, management, implementation and security of ICT networks, programming in C / C ++ / C #, Python, Java, network programming, cybersecurity, Internet of Things technology, Big Data analytics, artificial intelligence, creating of mobile applications, real-time object location systems and video monitoring, Data Center, function virtualization and containerization and implementation of 5G technology.

The use of reputable teaching materials provided by Cisco as a part of the Cisco Networking Academy program in the education process is unique on a national scale.  Students have the opportunity to participate in free trainings and obtain numerous certificates.

Additionally, a module related to the development of soft skills is included in the study program –  it covers the skill of self-presentation and the development of emotional intelligence.

Energy engineering is the field for ambitious students who like power and energy and are interested in its conventional and unconventional generation. The studies focus on the techniques of generating energy in large thermal and hydroelectric power plants and from renewable energy sources.

study language:  Polish
Full-time studies

  • 3.5-year (7 semesters) first-cycle studies leading to BSc degree

Subject area:

– renewable energy and power engineering

Learning outcomes (first- cycle studies)

The students gain the knowledge of renewable energy technology and operation of devices in the power industry required to supervise processes related to the use of local energy sources as well as the skills to program the development of local energy infrastructure, modernize processes and devices and set up and manage a small company in the energy sector. They have basic skills that allow them to solve problems of modern power engineering in local government units, also with the use of unconventional (especially renewable) energy sources and handle the problems of environmental hazards. They can plan and design the development of field energy management based on local, ecological sources and are acquainted with the structure and operation of electricity sources, with particular emphasis on cogeneration and energy distribution, including issues related to electrical and heating installations in residential buildings and energy-saving solutions. They also have the knowledge of photovoltaic cells, wind farms, fuel cell and heat energy in heat pumps and solar collectors.

The field of study of geodesy and cartography is implemented, to a large extent, as broadly understood geomatics and includes surveying engineering, mining surveying, cartography and thematic visualization as presentation methods, displacements and deformations measurements, cadastral surveying, geodesy, satellite and radio positioning, photogrammetry, remote sensing, photointerpretation, geoinformation systems and real estate management.

Full-time studies – practical profile

ending with the award of the professional title of Bachelor of Engineering,

During the first-cycle studies, students are required to complete a six-month internship.

After the first-cycle studies

Graduates acquire knowledge in the field of geodesy and cartography and its branches, such as: surveying engineering, satellite positioning, navigation, photogrammetry and remote sensing, geoinformation systems, cadastre, real estate management, etc. They have skills to perform typical surveys and calculations, use modern geodetic equipment (GPS, electronic total stations), as well as knowledge of computer techniques with typical surveying software. They are prepared for work in the field of design and implementation of construction projects, geodetic investment service and are able to perform typical measurements and calculations concerning the area of geodesy. They can perform cadastral measurements and regulate the legal status of real estates. After completion of the first-cycle studies and appropriate internships, they can apply for a professional licence in a given field. They are prepared to undertake second-cycle studies.

The field of study environmental engineering

Full time studies

semester 1

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semester 2

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semester 3

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semester 4

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semester 5

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semester 6

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semester 7

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 full-time study

leading to an  inżynier  qualification (bachelor’s degree)


– metal science and welding technology
– maintenance of mining and quarrying equipment
– industrial design engineering
– computer-aided manufacturing
– computer-aided laser and plasma processes
– automotive engineering
– CAD / CAE systems
– fluid power systems
– weapons engineering and applied computer science

  • postgraduate (second-cycle) program 1.5 years (3 semesters) in duration

leading to a  magister inżynier qualification (master’s degree)


– maintenance of mining and quarrying equipment
– maintenance of industrial machinery and equipment
– metal science and welding technology
– industrial design engineering
– computer-aided manufacturing
– computer-aided laser and plasma processes
– automotive engineering
– CAD / CAE systems
– weapons engineering and applied computer science


Overview of the undergraduate (first-cycle) program

On completion of this program, students will have a theoretical and practical background to undertake and complete engineering tasks in the areas of design, development, control and automation of manufacturing systems and processes. They will gain the necessary knowledge to handle management problems in the manufacturing and transport sectors. They will develop knowledge required by specialists applying computer systems and digital data processing to design, operate, maintain and control manufacturing systems. In general-knowledge and core engineering courses, they will learn how to properly operate, maintain, repair, rebuild and retrofit manufacturing facilities, especially mechanical machinery and equipment. The will have skills to use computer hardware and software to design and manufacture as well as organization and manage engineering tasks. They will have a specialist knowledge of automotive engineering, including the fundamentals of electromobility. They will gain a basic knowledge of metrology for mechanical engineering, particularly geometrical dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) measurement. After completing additional training, graduates may seek employment at the Świętokrzyski Laboratory Campus of the Central Office of Measures established in Kielce in cooperation with the Kielce University of Technology.

Overview of the postgraduate (second-cycle) program

Students completing this program will have an extensive general and specialist knowledge of mechanical engineering. Provided with more experience in concept development than undergraduate students, they will be prepared to conduct research so that they can create new designs and processes or improve the existing ones. They will be equipped with knowledge and skills to lead innovation projects, especially ones involving the use of computer hardware and software, to solve engineering problems in both large and small manufacturing facilities. They will have computer knowledge and skills to efficiently and effectively use various engineering applications. They will have programming skills to modify readily available applications or create their own ones.

On completion of this program, students will have an in-depth knowledge of metrology and quality engineering for mechanical engineering purposes. They will be well acquainted with the latest methods of computer-based measurement, especially geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) measurement and surface texture measurement. Graduates of this postgraduate level program could be a valuable asset to the management team at the Świętokrzyski Laboratory Campus of the Central Office of Measures established in Kielce in cooperation with the Kielce University of Technology.

List of all courses

List of courses valid from 2024/25

*Courses for a specialism of CAM

Programme-specific electives I

A. Fundamentals of Rapid Prototyping
B. Fundamentals of Reverse Engineering

Programme-specific electives II

A. Micro- and Nanotechnology
B. Fundamentals of Nanotechnology

Electives in the Humanities and Economic and Social Sciences (HES) I, semester 1
A. Fundamentals of Economics
B. Fundamentals of Coaching and Self-Presentation

Electives in the Humanities and Economic and Social Sciences (HES) II, semester 7
A. Fundamentals of Business Management
B. Negotiations

Electives in the Humanities and Economic and Social Sciences (HES) III, semester 7
A. Fundamentals of Business Planning
B. Business Plan Basics

 full-time study

leading to a  magister inżynier qualification (master’s degree)


– Design and Manufacturing
– Machine Operation and Maintenance

Overview of the postgraduate (second-cycle) program

Students completing this program will have an extensive general and specialist knowledge of mechanical engineering. Provided with more experience in concept development than undergraduate students, they will be prepared to conduct research so that they can create new designs and processes or improve the existing ones. They will be equipped with knowledge and skills to lead innovation projects, especially ones involving the use of computer hardware and software, to solve engineering problems in both large and small manufacturing facilities. They will have computer knowledge and skills to efficiently and effectively use various engineering applications. They will have programming skills to modify readily available applications or create their own ones.

On completion of this program, students will have an in-depth knowledge of metrology and quality engineering for mechanical engineering purposes. They will be well acquainted with the latest methods of computer-based measurement, especially geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) measurement and surface texture measurement. Graduates of this postgraduate level program could be a valuable asset to the management team at the Świętokrzyski Laboratory Campus of the Central Office of Measures established in Kielce in cooperation with the Kielce University of Technology.

List of all courses

List of courses valid from 2024/25

full-time study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 3.5 years (7 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–  industrial automation
–  machine and process automation
–  computer-based control and measurement systems

  • postgraduate (second-cycle) programme 1.5 years (3 semesters) in duration

leading to a magister inżynier qualification (master’s degree)


–  industrial automation
–  computer-based control and measurement systems

part-time (weekend) study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 4 years (8 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–  industrial automation
–  machine and process automation
–  computer-based measurement and control systems

  • postgraduate (second-cycle) programme 1.5 years (3 semesters) in duration

leading to a magister inżynier qualification (master’s degree)


–  industrial automation
–  computer-based control and measurement systems

Overview of the undergraduate (first cycle) programme

This programme prepares students to work as automation and robotics engineers. On completion, they will have knowledge of the design, programming, integration, operation and maintenance of automated industrial equipment, especially industrial robots, CNC machines, automated machining systems, PLCs, servo drives, electrohydraulic and electropneumatic systems and measurement equipment. They will be able to use CAD/CAM software for design, rapid prototyping and manufacturing purposes; they will have skills to perform computer-based engineering calculations, including modelling and simulation; they will also be able to use appropriate computer tools for measurement data acquisition, analysis and visualisation. They will have skills to program microprocessor systems and digital controllers as well as develop custom applications. Working as automation engineers, our graduates will know how to use algorithms, especially those for control, calculations and decision-making for automated systems.

The curriculum is revised regularly to ensure it is up-to-date and relevant. There are many practical courses offering skills valued by employers, which will make our graduates more competitive in the job market.

Students choosing the computer-based control and measurement systems specialism within the Automation and Robotics programme may find employment at the Świętokrzyski Laboratory Campus of the Central Office of Measures established in Kielce in cooperation with the Kielce University of Technology.

Overview of the postgraduate (second-cycle) programme

On completion of this programme, students will have an advanced knowledge and skills to creatively analyse, design and develop automated systems, control and program robots and robotic systems, and design decision-making systems for the manufacturing and service sectors. They will be prepared to work in a variety of environments ranging from research institutes and R&D centres to large companies in the chemical, machine, metallurgical, materials processing, food, electrical and electronic engineering, and power generation industries. They may also join small or medium-sized businesses in the role of automation and decision-making specialists.

full-time study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 3.5 years (7 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–  automotive maintenance and road transport management
–  logistics and freight forwarding
–  road transport

  • postgraduate (second-cycle) programme 1.5 years (3 semesters) in duration

leading to a magister inżynier qualification (master’s degree)


–  automotive maintenance and road transport management
–  logistics and freight forwarding
–  road transport

part-time (weekend) study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 4 years (8 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–  automotive maintenance and road transport management
–  logistics and freight forwarding
–  road transport

  • postgraduate (second-cycle) programme 1.5 years (3 semesters) in duration

leading to a magister inżynier qualification (master’s degree)


–  automotive maintenance and road transport management
–  logistics and freight forwarding
–  road transport

Automotive engineering and transport management is a new programme created in 2019 to replace our previous programme in transport, offered by the University since 2007.  Poland has the fastest growing road freight transport sector in the EU. Freight movements by road between Poland and other member states represent nearly 93% of all road shipments within the EU. Road freight movements outside the EU by Poland-based operators amount to over 33% of all such shipments. Polish carriers are some of the most active in the EU.  There are more than 83,000 road transport companies in Poland, 96% of which are small firms with up to 9 employees. The most important skills required in such firms are those associated with proper selection of vehicles so that they can perform specific transport services. Employers and employees in the road transport sector need to have a good knowledge of vehicle reliability and performance. Hence the decision to make the new programme more suitable for the current markets in which transport companies operate by calling it  automotive engineering and transport management.  Following the latest trends in transport and automotive engineering, the curriculum was thoroughly revised by significantly increasing the number of practical courses, especially laboratories and projects, which will allow students to obtain specialist knowledge and skills valued by employers.

Overview of the undergraduate (first-cycle) programme

Students completing this programme will have knowledge of automotive engineering, analysis of transport systems, transport economics, transport law, and the organisation and management of transport and freight forwarding businesses and transport support services. The focus will be mainly on road transport, which accounts for more than 85% of all freight movements in Poland (in tonnes). Much attention will be given to the knowledge and skills in the areas of the design, operation, maintenance and diagnostics of motor vehicle systems, including internal combustion engines. According to the current trends, students will develop knowledge of automotive safety, intelligent transport solutions, traffic engineering, alternative power sources, electromobility and autonomous vehicles. They will be prepared to solve engineering problems in the area of logistics and freight forwarding; they will be ready to work in businesses specialising in transport, logistics and freight forwarding or automotive diagnostics, servicing and repair.

Overview of the postgraduate (second-cycle) programme

On completion of this programme, students will have an advanced knowledge and skills to creatively solve problems related to the organisation and management of transport, logistics and freight forwarding businesses and processes. They will know legal, procedural and technical requirements to start and run a small transport company. If employed in a large or medium-sized firm, they will be prepared to use technological advances, including modern computer and telecommunications systems, to effectively manage the company operations and the fleet of vehicles. They will also know how to use state-of-the-art equipment to perform automotive diagnostics, servicing and repair. They will be able to use mathematical methods and models to model and optimise problems associated with transport planning and automotive design, operation and maintenance. They will be able to combine knowledge of logistics with that of transport economics, business management and automotive maintenance to formulate and solve problems encountered while analysing the economic effectiveness of a logistics system.

After successfully completing some of the courses within the automotive maintenance and road transport management specialism, students may apply to be exempt from a nationally-recognised examination for the Certificate of Professional Competence in International Road Transport of Goods, issued under the EU regulations by the Road Transport Institute.  According to the EU law, this certificate is a prerequisite for a managerial position in  a passenger or freight transport company.

full-time study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 3.5 years (7 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–  production process programming
–  industrial computer systems

part-time (weekend) study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 4 years (8 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–  production process programming
–  industrial computer systems

Overview of the undergraduate (first cycle) programme

Computer science for manufacturing engineering is a cutting edge programme of study with a curriculum adapted according to the current needs of the labour market, with these resulting from technological changes driven by the fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Industry 4.0 integrates intelligent machines and systems and brings changes to the production process in order to increase productivity and flexibility. Industry 4.0 has spurred not only technological progress but also social transitions; it requires a new approach to labour and the role of humans in industry.

Graduates of the computer science for manufacturing engineering programme will be able to perform specialist tasks associated with the constant modernisation of the manufacturing sector, including large-scale implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) based solutions.

The production process programming specialism is aimed at students wishing to develop a detailed knowledge and skills in the area of programming for manufacturing purposes, both for conventional and unconventional processes, especially CNC machining, metal forming, 3D printing and scanning, laser and plasma cutting, water jetting, electrical discharge machining, welding and rapid prototyping. Students will also learn how to program and control robots and robotic systems, especially manipulators. They will be provided with a fundamental understanding of core machine learning (ML) ideas and concepts.

Students who choose to specialise in production process programming learn about:

–  CNC programming and control,
–  programming in laser cutting, plasma cutting and welding,
–  computer-controlled machines, especially for metal forming and composite fabrication, and computer-controlled processes, particularly those involving heat transfer and the flow of fluids,
–  modern mechanical engineering,
–  automated and robotised manufacturing.

The industrial computer systems specialism is aimed at students wishing to develop an in-depth knowledge and skills required to design industrial manufacturing systems and decision-making systems, to design, develop and control computer-based systems for industrial applications, and to manage people working in an industrial environment. On completion of this programme, students will be able to seek employment in manufacturing, computer systems and administration.

The topics covered within the industrial computer systems specialism include:

–  development of intelligent systems to control industrial processes,
–  administration and management of industrial computer systems and computer networks,
–  security of industrial computer systems and computer networks,
–  design and administration of industrial computer systems and computer networks,
–  programming, using state-of-the-art programming tools,
–  programming of industrial controllers and robots,
–  industrial electronics,
–  computer-aided design.

full-time study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 3.5 years (7 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–  integrated manufacturing processes
–  product design and development

Overview of the undergraduate (first-cycle) programme

Throughout this programme, students will gain a strong theoretical and practical background in industrial design so that they will be able to undertake and complete various engineering tasks including design of consumer and industrial products and development of prototypes, taking into account not only engineering but also aesthetic and economic factors. They will develop knowledge and skills useful in a variety of work environments, ranging from design studios, to R&D departments of large and medium-sized manufacturing companies, to small- and micro-businesses operating in the design and manufacturing sectors. They will also be prepared to start and run their own businesses or work as freelancers. On completion of the programme, students will be able to efficiently use computer hardware and software for design, prototyping and manufacturing, for visual communication, especially graphics creation, processing and presentation, and finally, for organisation and management of design-related tasks.

Apart from university-based practical classes, students of this programme take part in field trips to develop their drawing and team building skills. The trips are usually to Sandomierz, with students staying at the Kielce University of Technology Humanities and Architecture Centre.

Final design projects developed by our students for their undergraduate qualification include designs of furniture, functional everyday objects, urban and street furniture, machine tools (drills, 3D printers) and motorcycles; there have also been concepts of automotive facelifts and projects in the areas of computer graphics and visual communications.

For the best designs developed by students either as part of the coursework or as final projects for the inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree), the University seeks national and international protection at the Polish Patent Office under intellectual property law so that they are registered as industrial or utility models (32 designs by our students protected as industrial models so far).

full-time study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 3.5 years (7 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–   workplace and transport safety
–   internal security engineering
–   industrial safety systems
–   forensic science and criminology

part-time (weekend) study

  • undergraduate (first-cycle) programme 4 years (8 semesters) in duration

leading to an inżynier qualification (bachelor’s degree)


–   workplace and transport safety
–   internal security engineering
–   industrial safety systems
–   forensic science and criminology

Overview of the undergraduate (first-cycle) programme

Students specialising in workplace and transport safety will develop knowledge of safety for transport, safe operation and maintenance of industrial machinery and systems, and risk management. The focus will be on the knowledge of safety in industrial facilities, including logistics, recycling, electrical safety and safety requirements for machining processes and equipment. On completion of this programme, students will be prepared to perform tasks associated with safe operation and maintenance of machines and equipment in the transport, manufacturing and public administration sectors. During the programme, students of this specialism may obtain a forklift truck licence issued by  the Office of Technical Inspection.

Students choosing the industrial safety systems specialism will gain knowledge and skills to organise a safe working environment, manage rescue and emergency operations by planning and overseeing safety procedures, assess hazards and risks at the workplace, and devise and implement health and safety measures. The focus will be on developing knowledge of workstation assessment, workplace ergonomics, safety devices and features, personal protective equipment and industrial system safety. The knowledge and skills of occupational health and safety gained during the programme will prepare students to work as safety inspectors and other specialists dealing with safety issues.

Students specialising in internal security engineering will learn about the essentials of weapons engineering, especially the design, production and use of weapons and ammunition. They will have knowledge of internal, external and terminal ballistics as well as mechanical failure analysis. They will be taught how to maintain and protect public administration buildings and other public facilities; they will also learn about the organisation and responsibilities of uniformed services in Poland.

Students choosing the forensic science and criminology specialism will have knowledge of the design, manufacture and safe operation of weapons, ammunition and fuzes. They will develop knowledge of state-of-the-art forensic analysis methods, especially forensic ballistics, as well as collection and preservation of forensic evidence, and forensic examination and investigation. Students will gain knowledge of data protection and cryptographic methods.

Bachelor programme in Business Management

Full-time Studies

3-year (6-semester) First-Cycle Bachelor’s degree programme


  • E-commerce
  • Risk Management

Examples of subjects included in the programme: Managerial Economics Organisation and Management, Psychology and Sociology in Business, Business Leadership, Operational and Financial Risk Management, Application of Simulation Methods in Risk Quantification, Digital Economy, E-Commerce, Design Thinking, Running and Optimization of Digital Campaigns

Graduate competences: knowledge of management and quality sciences, with particular emphasis on uncertainty and risk in the global economy and e-commerce.

  • Understanding of the fundamentals of business law, economics, finance, accounting, methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, and computer science.
  • Ability to interpret economic and business processes, analyse market phenomena, and select and apply management methods and tools to solve organisational problems.
  • Proficiency in using IT and communication tools to collect, analyse, and present data.
  • Capability to execute business tasks and projects both independently and as part of a team.

Employment prospects:

  • Working in specialist and support roles within management systems, middle management, or as advisors and consultants in economic organisations.
  • Starting and running your own business.

Risk Management:

  • Work in roles such as risk manager, market risk specialist, or in positions related to the analysis and control of financial, market, credit, and insurance risks, as well as quality control, internal audit, and personal data protection.


  • Positions such as e-commerce manager or specialist, e-commerce analyst, CRM specialist, or SEO specialist.

 Profile of a First-Cycle Graduate in Business Management

Graduates of the First-Cycle degree programme in Business Management possess knowledge of management sciences and quality management, with a particular focus on uncertainty and risk in the global economy and e-commerce. They also have a solid foundation in business law, economics, finance, accounting, methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, and computer science.

In the course of their studies, students acquire knowledge about the nature, forms, methods, principles, and challenges of contemporary enterprises, including:

  • the fundamentals of economic sciences, covering concepts, laws, and economic relationships in mainstream economics;
  • the basics of legal sciences, focusing on the impact of legal norms and rules on management;
  • methods and tools for statistical inference and statistical data analysis;
  • marketing strategies and market research tools;
  • corporate finance, including knowledge of the types of economic analysis applied within a company;
  • the protection of intellectual property and copyright;
  • the use of IT in strategic and operational management, as well as the application of expert systems in decision-making processes;
  • the management of business processes and relationships, organisational structures, quality control, decision-making, human capital, and business ethics;
  • the psycho-social aspects of human functioning within an enterprise.

Graduates of the First-Cycle degree programme in Business Management possess the skills to interpret economic and business processes, analyse market phenomena, and select and apply management methods and tools to solve organisational problems. They can comprehensively assess the market, financial, and social impacts of decisions and initiatives, presenting well-substantiated justifications. Additionally, they are capable of executing business tasks and projects independently or as part of a team.

Graduates are proficient in using IT and communication tools to collect, analyse, and present data. They effectively establish and maintain interpersonal and business relationships essential for professional success and demonstrate leadership skills to manage teams. They apply legal and ethical norms to address specific management challenges.

Graduates are adept at identifying information sources, critically evaluating, analysing, and synthesising data, including the interpretation of results. They can formulate, analyse, and solve complex and specific problems in management, particularly diagnosing and addressing issues related to human, material, financial, and informational resources. They are also proficient in professional and business communication in English.

First-Cycle degree graduates in Business Management think entrepreneurially and act innovatively and creatively. They regard human resources as a strategic asset of an organisation. They are prepared to pursue second-cycle studies.

The Business Management programme includes specialisation in risk management and e-commerce. It addresses the needs of the digital economy and the modern labour market while accounting for the challenges of operating businesses in environments with epidemic risks.

Graduates specialising in Risk Management acquire additional knowledge and skills in:

  • conducting business operations under conditions of uncertainty and risk in the global economy,
  • managing operational and financial risks,
  • applying controlling methods and tools,
  • managing information security,
  • responding effectively in crisis situations,
  • ensuring the security of a company’s operational systems.

This education enables graduates to apply their knowledge and skills in areas such as risk management, business process protection, and the identification and mitigation of threats within a company.

Graduates specialising in E-Commerce acquire additional knowledge and skills in:

  • creating and managing e-commerce projects,
  • utilising ICT methods and tools (including social media) to engage with and serve customers,
  • designing and optimising e-commerce websites and platforms,
  • interaction and user interface design,
  • conducting e-commerce web analytics,
  • ensuring the security of a company’s operational systems.

The specialisation in this field equips students with the skills to harness the potential of the Internet in areas such as customer service, sales promotion, communication with clients, identifying innovative ideas for the development of commercial activities, and providing broad support for business processes.

A bachelor’s degree in Business Management prepares graduates for specialist and support positions within management systems, middle management roles, advisory and consultancy positions in business organisations, as well as for managing their own businesses.

Specialisation in Risk Management additionally prepares students for roles such as risk manager, market risk specialist, and other positions related to the analysis and control of financial, market, and credit risks, insurance, quality control, internal audit, and personal data protection.

Education in E-Commerce provides graduates with the qualifications to work as e-commerce managers or specialists, e-commerce analysts, CRM specialists, and SEO specialists.

Bachelor programme in Management and Production Engineering

The interdisciplinary study programme in Management and Production Engineering is provided in response to the continuing growth in a circular digital economy and the clear need to provide highly-qualified graduates who can combine managerial with engineering knowledge and skills. A circular digital economy requires the high quality of employees capable of undertaking tasks arising from the rapid development of technology and artificial intelligence, production in line with Industry 5.0, and the implementation of the principle of sustainable development.

Management and Production Engineering is a 3.5 years full-time first cycle (Bachelor) study programme in English, open to national and international secondary school students. To facilitate this, the programme is organized into 7 semesters and covers mandatory and optional courses in two specialisations:

  • Production and Innovation Management,
  • Computer Science in Management and Modelling.

Alumni competencies:

  • managerial knowledge and expertise in production engineering,
  • skills in managing technical and organizational functions such as: improving production, systems, operational systems, management systems, staff selection and training, cost management, project management, marketing, logistics, financial management, and tangible investments,
  • launching and running one’s own business in the field of production and services,
  • proficiency in using modern computer techniques,
  • designing and implementing product innovations and within business processes, including eco-innovations.

Employment prospects:

  • management staff in manufacturing, service, and commercial enterprises,
  • R&D departments of national and international corporations,
  • government and local government administration units,
  • consulting firms, including those involved in innovative and eco-innovative projects utilizing financial resources from external organizations, including the European Union,
  • launching and running one’s own business.

We do hope that you will enjoy studying Management and Production Engineering within a stimulating environment of researchers and students and a broad network of regional and international partners at Kielce University of Technology and that you will find it a creative and valuable experience.


Dr Hab. Eng. Magdalena Rybaczewska-Błażejowska, Prof.
Programme Director

data engineering is a rapidly growing field of computer science applications in engineering methods and techniques for the design, construction, and use of computer systems in Business Intelligence or Big Data analysis. It uses the capabilities of modern information technologies in analyzing large data sets aggregated in research, manufacturing, transactional processes, etc. DE also combines knowledge and skills of practical applications of advanced analytical techniques (computational methods, statistical inference, etc.) in extracting information and knowledge from data resources collected by enterprises.

Data engineering is a practical course of study. Workshop classes are conducted by practitioners – specialists in their fields. The Faculty has access to the computing environment in the form of the Research Computer Cluster of the Kielce University of Technology, which includes a computer cluster with 32 servers enabling highly efficient data processing, the SAS system with additional modules, mathematical programs for symbolic calculations, etc. The practical profile of the faculty is reinforced by at least three-month student internships organized in cooperation with partners from the business environment.

full-time (daily) courses

  • 3.5-year (7 semesters) first-cycle studies

resulting in the award of the title of Engineer

the scope of study:
– data analytics and modelling
– data engineering resources

After the first-degree studies

Graduates – data engineers – use modern IT tools in programming, designing and managing databases, analysing data, integrating distributed information resources. They have the ability to design and build databases, design and build analytical solutions, implement analytical and information systems in cooperation with specialists and managers from outside the IT domain in an organization. They have the knowledge, skills and social competences that predestine them to take up independent positions in the IT area in modern organizations. They can act as data administrators of information and analytical systems (Business Intelligence and Big Data class), designers and developers of IT solutions for data analysis. They can also work as specialists in analysis departments, both in operational and managerial areas.

The widespread use of IT solutions in management, operational (production, trade, services, logistics, marketing, etc.) as well as auxiliary activities (accounting, finance, controlling) and the development of IT technology means that the amount of data, which is potentially a source of valuable information for forecasting and decision-making, is increasing exponentially. There is a demand, especially in small and medium-sized companies, for specialists who combine knowledge and practical skills in the field of information technology with knowledge about the functioning of economic organizations and their management. The practical and interdisciplinary character of the Data Engineering major makes it possible for graduates to be employed in a company or act as contract specialists – service providers. They can be employed as data administrators, designers or analysts in independent positions or in departments such as IT, procurement or distribution logistics, sales, marketing, controlling, new product development, customer relationship management, statistical analysis.

The specific nature of studies at the Faculty of Management and Computer Modelling is due to an increased range of skills in the area of applying computer science and quantitative methods. This enables graduates to use effectively fundamental and specialised economic knowledge for analysing and modelling economic processes.

full – time courses

  • 3-year (6 semesters) first-cycle studies

resulting in the award of a Bachelor’s degree

the scope of study:

– corporate finance
– business analytics
– business finance

  • 2-year (4 semesters) second-cycle studies

resulting in the award of a Master’s degree

the scope  of study:
– corporate finance
– managerial economics
– business finance

After the first-cycle studies

Graduates are prepared to work as economists, specialists in the management of financial, human and material resources. They can analyze available or created information which supports rational decision-making based on the canons of economic and social sciences. They can work for companies, organizations and institutions, mainly holding operational or support positions. They have the necessary knowledge and skills to run a business independently.

 After the second-cycle studies

Graduates have a comprehensive and advanced knowledge of economics and management of financial, human and material resources. They also have the ability to use advanced analytical techniques and methods to study economic phenomena and processes and to model them on a micro- and macroeconomic scale in an economy open to international competition. They are prepared to develop projects, provide consulting services, support and make independent, rational decisions on the acquisition and application of resources by public and private sector entities in various market segments.

Logistics, which is an interdisciplinary field of study, educates new types of specialists with knowledge and skills in operational and strategic management of logistic processes in the economy. These processes involve flows of tangible and intangible goods, as well as information between economic entities and the environment and within economic entities. Logistic concepts stimulate changes in the management of organizations and indicate new opportunities for creating added value and improving the efficiency of business operations. The education of students in logistics meets the increased interest of entrepreneurs in such specialists, who have adequate knowledge of technical, economic and management sciences to understand the nature and structure of various logistic processes and also have the skills to manage these processes to optimize the operations of the company.

full – time (daily) courses

  • 3.5-year (7 semesters) first-cycle studies

resulting in the award of the title of Engineer

the scope of study:

– logistics management
– logistics systems design

After the first-degree studies

Graduates have a substantive knowledge of basic and technical subjects as well as basic knowledge of economics, management, IT, and managerial skills. They are equipped with comprehensive and advanced knowledge of modern logistic systems, processes in the logistic supply chain, logistics of supply, production and distribution, recycling, logistic infrastructure and transport processes. They also have the ability to use information systems and engineering techniques in solving various logistic problems. They are prepared to provide consulting services, support and make independent, rational decisions, concerning the design of logistic processes and the management of these processes. They also have the knowledge and skills in production and service management, logistic costs and personnel management. Graduates can find employment in logistic departments of production companies, logistic companies, design and consulting units dealing with logistics and economic and administrative units that require logistic, technical, economic and IT knowledge as well as managerial skills.