Bachelor programme in Business Management
Full-time Studies
3-year (6-semester) First-Cycle Bachelor’s degree programme
- E-commerce
- Risk Management
Examples of subjects included in the programme: Managerial Economics Organisation and Management, Psychology and Sociology in Business, Business Leadership, Operational and Financial Risk Management, Application of Simulation Methods in Risk Quantification, Digital Economy, E-Commerce, Design Thinking, Running and Optimization of Digital Campaigns
Graduate competences: knowledge of management and quality sciences, with particular emphasis on uncertainty and risk in the global economy and e-commerce.
- Understanding of the fundamentals of business law, economics, finance, accounting, methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, and computer science.
- Ability to interpret economic and business processes, analyse market phenomena, and select and apply management methods and tools to solve organisational problems.
- Proficiency in using IT and communication tools to collect, analyse, and present data.
- Capability to execute business tasks and projects both independently and as part of a team.
Employment prospects:
- Working in specialist and support roles within management systems, middle management, or as advisors and consultants in economic organisations.
- Starting and running your own business.
Risk Management:
- Work in roles such as risk manager, market risk specialist, or in positions related to the analysis and control of financial, market, credit, and insurance risks, as well as quality control, internal audit, and personal data protection.
- Positions such as e-commerce manager or specialist, e-commerce analyst, CRM specialist, or SEO specialist.
Profile of a First-Cycle Graduate in Business Management
Graduates of the First-Cycle degree programme in Business Management possess knowledge of management sciences and quality management, with a particular focus on uncertainty and risk in the global economy and e-commerce. They also have a solid foundation in business law, economics, finance, accounting, methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, and computer science.
In the course of their studies, students acquire knowledge about the nature, forms, methods, principles, and challenges of contemporary enterprises, including:
- the fundamentals of economic sciences, covering concepts, laws, and economic relationships in mainstream economics;
- the basics of legal sciences, focusing on the impact of legal norms and rules on management;
- methods and tools for statistical inference and statistical data analysis;
- marketing strategies and market research tools;
- corporate finance, including knowledge of the types of economic analysis applied within a company;
- the protection of intellectual property and copyright;
- the use of IT in strategic and operational management, as well as the application of expert systems in decision-making processes;
- the management of business processes and relationships, organisational structures, quality control, decision-making, human capital, and business ethics;
- the psycho-social aspects of human functioning within an enterprise.
Graduates of the First-Cycle degree programme in Business Management possess the skills to interpret economic and business processes, analyse market phenomena, and select and apply management methods and tools to solve organisational problems. They can comprehensively assess the market, financial, and social impacts of decisions and initiatives, presenting well-substantiated justifications. Additionally, they are capable of executing business tasks and projects independently or as part of a team.
Graduates are proficient in using IT and communication tools to collect, analyse, and present data. They effectively establish and maintain interpersonal and business relationships essential for professional success and demonstrate leadership skills to manage teams. They apply legal and ethical norms to address specific management challenges.
Graduates are adept at identifying information sources, critically evaluating, analysing, and synthesising data, including the interpretation of results. They can formulate, analyse, and solve complex and specific problems in management, particularly diagnosing and addressing issues related to human, material, financial, and informational resources. They are also proficient in professional and business communication in English.
First-Cycle degree graduates in Business Management think entrepreneurially and act innovatively and creatively. They regard human resources as a strategic asset of an organisation. They are prepared to pursue second-cycle studies.
The Business Management programme includes specialisation in risk management and e-commerce. It addresses the needs of the digital economy and the modern labour market while accounting for the challenges of operating businesses in environments with epidemic risks.
Graduates specialising in Risk Management acquire additional knowledge and skills in:
- conducting business operations under conditions of uncertainty and risk in the global economy,
- managing operational and financial risks,
- applying controlling methods and tools,
- managing information security,
- responding effectively in crisis situations,
- ensuring the security of a company’s operational systems.
This education enables graduates to apply their knowledge and skills in areas such as risk management, business process protection, and the identification and mitigation of threats within a company.
Graduates specialising in E-Commerce acquire additional knowledge and skills in:
- creating and managing e-commerce projects,
- utilising ICT methods and tools (including social media) to engage with and serve customers,
- designing and optimising e-commerce websites and platforms,
- interaction and user interface design,
- conducting e-commerce web analytics,
- ensuring the security of a company’s operational systems.
The specialisation in this field equips students with the skills to harness the potential of the Internet in areas such as customer service, sales promotion, communication with clients, identifying innovative ideas for the development of commercial activities, and providing broad support for business processes.
A bachelor’s degree in Business Management prepares graduates for specialist and support positions within management systems, middle management roles, advisory and consultancy positions in business organisations, as well as for managing their own businesses.
Specialisation in Risk Management additionally prepares students for roles such as risk manager, market risk specialist, and other positions related to the analysis and control of financial, market, and credit risks, insurance, quality control, internal audit, and personal data protection.
Education in E-Commerce provides graduates with the qualifications to work as e-commerce managers or specialists, e-commerce analysts, CRM specialists, and SEO specialists.