
Christmas Event for Erasmus students

How is Christmas celebrated in Greece, Spain, Italy or Lithuania? Getting answer for the question was possible during the Christmas Event, which was held on the 7th of December 2016 and when the Erasmus incoming students staying at Kielce University of Technology held their presentations. The foreign students had also an opportunity to discover Polish […]


Goście z Winnicy

3 listopada 2016 w Politechnice Świętokrzyskiej gościła czterdziestoosobowa grupa ukraińskiej młodzieży z obwodu winnickiego wraz z rodzicami i nauczycielami. Zostali zapoznani z ofertą dydaktyczną Uczelni oraz procedurą rekrutacji. Zwiedzili Centrum Sportu, Bibliotekę Główną oraz akademiki. Wizyta była również okazją do spotkania się ze studentami naszej Uczelni pochodzącymi z Winnicy. Organizatorem wycieczki było Centrum Edukacyjne […]


Integration event at Sobków

On the 27th of October Erasmus incoming students from the Kielce University of Technology and their mentors and coordinators had an exclusive opportunity to admire attractions of the Knight’s Castle Sobków. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the university: prof. Tomasz Kozłowski the Vice-Rector for Staff Development and International Cooperation, prof. Artur Maciąg […]

By Milosz Pindur | News

Kielce University of Technology in Spain

On 16-17 June, 2016, the University representatives, Ms Ewa Włodarczyk, Erasmus+ Coordinator, and dr Dorota Wiraszka, the Faculty Coordinator (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Computer Studies), visited the partner University – Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha in Albacete, Spain. The aim of the visit was to become familiar with the Spanish University educational offer provided for […]