Important information for students and employees – regarding COVID-19.

Important information for students and employees – regarding COVID-19.

Please read below translation of Rector’s Order in relation to reducing the risk of infection by COVID- 19. Please head to the following link Zarz_R_27_20 where you can find Rector’s Order No. 27/2020 in Polish language.

Rector´s order No. 27/2020 – of 5 March 2020
regarding suspension of  international mobilities (incoming and outgoing) of KUT employees and students,
and opportunities to work or study at home and recommendations related to the spread of coronavirus and on reducing the risk of infection by COVID- 19.

On the basis of art.23 sec.1 Higher Education Act from 20th July 2018 and the announcements published on the websites of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate related to the spread of coronavirus and on reducing the risk of infection by COVID- 19 is being ordered as follows:


1.1 In relation to the risk of the spreading of contagious disease COVID-19 caused by virus SARS-CoV-2 countermeasures to protect health members of the University community have been introduced.


  1. Members of the University’s community are obliged to take precautions and monitor the announcements of the Chief Sanitary Inspector and other services regarding COVID-19.

§ 2. All international business trips of our employees, doctoral students and students as well as visits to our University are being suspended until further notice.

§3.1. Employees, students and Phd students of the Kielce University of Technology returning from countries affected by epidemiological threat (current information is available on the website of the Main Sanitary Inspectorate), where the increased number of cases caused by coronavirus occurs, are requested after return
to stay at home for 2 weeks and perform work or study there, with the exception to § 5 and § 6.

  1. The Head of HR Department should be immediately notified via e-mail address: about the intention to stay at home in connection with the above mentioned. The notification should also contain information about the country destination, date of arrival and the journey reasons/ justification (business / private).
  1. The Head of HR Department notifies the employee’s supervisor and the Dean /Director of the academic discipline /Department manager respectively about the reported case.

§4. The Deans are obliged to make it available for the students to work off the absences resulting from the above circumstances as stated in § 3 and to reschedule or postpone the classes in case of the teaching staff absences.

§5. Direct superiors decide if the persons referred to in § 3, are to perform their duties or studying tasks at home for a period of two weeks since the date of return, as long as the performed duties and responsibilities do not require presence in the workplace.

§6.  1. In relation to employees whose nature of work does not allow
to carry out their official duties outside the agreed workplace, it is up to the direct superiors allow them to stay at home for two weeks.

  1. Employees referred to sec.1 should remain in contact with the employer during the time of absence.

§7. The order shall enter into force on the day of its signing

