

The Minister answers FAQ made by the Polish students

Last Friday, the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Wojciech Murdzek, answered students’ questions regarding higher education in Poland. Starting the new academic year, they had many questions concerning both the sanitary regime, social and organizational issues related to the new academic year. Below you can find some of the topics which were covered and […]


Principles of organizing the University’s activities during the period during a risk of COVID-19 – rules for work, study and business

Safe principles of work, studying based on the Rector’s Regulaton no 81/20 18 September 2020 Please read carefully: Safe rules of providing work, studying and dealing with matters § 7.In order to provide safe work, studying and dealing with matters in the buildings of the Kielce University of Technolgy , the following rules should be […]


Important: organization of the University’s activities during the period of the risk of COVID-19 infection based on the Rector’s Regulation no 81/20 of 18 September 2020.

Please read below carefully information concerning organization of the University’s activities during the period of the risk of COVID-19 infection. Student Dormitory Safety at the Student Dormitory of the Kielce University of Technology § 16. 1.At each entrance to the Student Dormitory, there are dispensers with disinfectant, together with bilingual instruction manuals. 2. The person […]


Organization of the new academic year 2020/21

Below translated version of the new Regulation concerning eduacation in new academic year 2020/21. Polish language version is available here: Zarządzenie Nr 80/20Rektora Politechniki Świętokrzyskiejz dnia 18 września2020 r. on the organization of education at the Kielce University of Technology in the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021 Regulation No. 80/20 of the Rector […]


MNiSW nie przewiduje rozporządzenia ograniczającego działalność uczelni od 1 października/The Ministry of Science and Higher Education does not provide for a regulation restricting the activities of universities as of 1 October

Przed nami nowy rok akademicki. Zależy nam na stworzeniu warunków bezpiecznego powrotu studentów, doktorantów, prowadzących zajęcia i pracowników administracyjnych na uczelnie. W obecnej sytuacji epidemiologicznej należy zachować szczególną ostrożność i pamiętać o wymogach sanitarno-epidemiologicznych. Bezpieczeństwo i jakość nauczania stawiamy na pierwszym miejscu. Ministerstwo nie przewiduje wydania rozporządzenia ograniczającego działalność uczelni od 1 października 2020 r. […]


Admission for 2020/2021 continues

At Kielce University of Technology admission continues till 16 of August 2020. But it does not mean that one should wait for the very last moment with their decision! Formalities usually take some time, so it is advisable to have some extra time just in case. We are doing their best to support the prospective […]


Fundacja Kościuszkowska ogłasza nabór wniosków o granty naukowe

Fundacja Kościuszkowska, w ramach Exchange Program to the US, rozpoczęła nabór wniosków o granty naukowe na prowadzenie projektów badawczych i rozwojowych w amerykańskich ośrodkach naukowych w roku akademickim 2021/2022. STYPENDIUM PRZYZNAWANE JEST WE WSZYSTKICH DYSCYPLINACH NAUKOWYCH W TRZECH KATEGORIACH: Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship przeznaczone jest dla osób posiadających co najmniej stopień naukowy doktora i które są pracownikami naukowymi w polskiej uczelni wyższej lub innej jednostce naukowo-badawczej. Kosciuszko Foundation […]


Regulation No. 67/20 of the Rector of the Kielce University of Technology of 14 July 2020

Regulation No. 67/20 of the Rector of the Kielce University of Technology of 14 July 2020 on resuming international departures and arrivals of students, PhD students and employees Pursuant to Article 23 section 1 of the Act of 20 July 2018. The Law on Higher Education and Science in connection with (i.e. Journal of Laws […]