Author: IRO Kielce University of Technology

Admission for 2020/2021 continues

At Kielce University of Technology admission continues till 16 of August 2020. But it does not mean that one should wait for the very last moment with their decision! Formalities usually take some time, so it is advisable to have some extra time just in case. We are doing their best to support the prospective […]


Fundacja Kościuszkowska ogłasza nabór wniosków o granty naukowe

Fundacja Kościuszkowska, w ramach Exchange Program to the US, rozpoczęła nabór wniosków o granty naukowe na prowadzenie projektów badawczych i rozwojowych w amerykańskich ośrodkach naukowych w roku akademickim 2021/2022. STYPENDIUM PRZYZNAWANE JEST WE WSZYSTKICH DYSCYPLINACH NAUKOWYCH W TRZECH KATEGORIACH: Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship przeznaczone jest dla osób posiadających co najmniej stopień naukowy doktora i które są pracownikami naukowymi w polskiej uczelni wyższej lub innej jednostce naukowo-badawczej. Kosciuszko Foundation […]


Regulation No. 67/20 of the Rector of the Kielce University of Technology of 14 July 2020

Regulation No. 67/20 of the Rector of the Kielce University of Technology of 14 July 2020 on resuming international departures and arrivals of students, PhD students and employees Pursuant to Article 23 section 1 of the Act of 20 July 2018. The Law on Higher Education and Science in connection with (i.e. Journal of Laws […]


Professor Koruba becomes new Rector of the Kielce University of Technology

Professor Zbigniew Koruba has been elected as the new Rector of the Kielce University of Technology. Professor Zbigniew Koruba was Dean of the Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering and Head of the Department of Computer Technology and Armament. Since 1984 he has been working at the Kielce University of Technology as an academic teacher. […]


Konferencja DAAD – Moving target digitalisation: re-thinking global exchange in higher education

Niemiecka Centrala Wymiany Akademickiej (DAAD) zaprasza na międzynarodową wirtualną konferencję poświęconą internacjonalizacji szkolnictwa wyższego w dobie cyfryzacji pt. Moving target digitalisation: re-thinking global exchange in higher education, która odbędzie się w dniach 5-6 października 2020 r. Osoby, które chciałyby wystąpić podczas konferencji, proszone są o przesłanie swojego zgłoszenia do 1 sierpnia 2020 r. W załączeniu […]


    Professor of technical sciences,  Lech Czarnecki – an outstanding scientist in the discipline of civil engineering and transport, an excellent specialist in the field of engineering of building materials; durability, repairs and building protection and sustainable construction, a dedicated academic teacher, member of many scientific organizations in Poland and around the world. Professor […]


CEEPUS Summer School about the European Union ‘Changing Europe – European Changes 2020’

We are pleased to inform you that this year at the University of Pécs, Hungary between September 3-12, 2020 is organized CEEPUS Summer School about the European Union, titled ‘Changing Europe – European Changes 2020’. Would you be interested in participating in a free summer course while having the time of your life in a […]


Information on the implementation of teaching activities and diploma exams.

  According to the Regulation No. 57/20 of the Rector of the Kielce University of Technology, diploma examinations can be conducted both remotely and in a traditional way on the premises of the university. The decision in this matter is made by the Dean of the Faculty (or a person authorized by him/her) after agreement […]