About faculty

It is difficult to imagine life without a mobile phone, laptop or the Internet. We are happy to use the benefits of technology, because they make life easier. They are the work of people who have combined knowledge with technological vision. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Computer Science of the Kielce University of Technology invites you to acquire such knowledge. Therefore, if you are convinced that you will find yourself in the world of new technologies, and your strength is science, this is definitely the Faculty for you! It offers four fields of study: electrical engineering, electronics and telecommunications, energy and information technology.


Erasmus Days

Traditionally, the beginning of March at Kielce University of Technology is a time for information sessions on international student exchange programs. From March 4 to 6, 2025, the Department of International Cooperation organized a series of events under the title “Erasmus+ Days.” The event kicked off with a welcome meeting for Erasmus+ students from Turkey, […]

Invitation for the International Women’s and Man’s Day

International Women’s Day and Men’s Day are approaching, and following the last years’ traditions, KUT warmly invites all students to take part in the event “Engineer in high heels / Engineer in a tie”. Agenda of the event: March 5: room 26B – you will be able to donate blood and register as a potential […]

Seasonal Meeting

Foreign students of the Kielce University of Technology, as every year, took part in “The Seasonal Meeting“. It is already a tradition that foreigners studying at our university have a chance to learn about elements of Polish culture, customs and cuisine related to Christmas time in Poland. On December 11, 2024, a truly festive atmosphere […]

Winter swimming 2024

Every semester at KUT, a series of vibrant events is organized to connect students and foster friendships. This time on December 9, 2024 the leading organizator was the Students’ Council, with the support of the Department of International Cooperation. On a chilly Monday afternoon, a group of adventurous students, including Polish, international, and Erasmus+ participants, […]

XXVI National English Language Olympiad for Technical Universities

We invite you to take part in the XXVI National English Language Olympiad for Technical Universities organized by the Center for Languages ​​and Communication of the Poznań University of Technology.   Participants of the Olympiad may be students of full-time and part-time studies of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cycle of Technical Universities in Poland. […]

Welcome Day 2024

There is a tradition of our university that at the beginning of the academic year, the Department of International Cooperation organizes Students Welcome Day. The event took place on 7 October 2024 in the Main Hall of Kielce University of Technology. The international inauguration meeting started with the speech of the Vice-Rector for Students Affairs […]

We shock you with positive energy

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science:

  • The faculty seeks to provide an optimum environment for research and scholarly efforts of academic staff members and students in the fields of electrical, electronic, control and computer engineering. The development strategy of the faculty concentrates as well on the following fields of science: information society technology, microelectronic technologies, digital signal conversion, theoretical and applied computer science, software, databases, design and construction of  computer equipment, basis and techniques of  creating computer networks, sustainable development – renewable sources of energy.
  • We provide an in-depth education in engineering principles built on mathematics, computation, and the physical and life sciences, and encourage our students to apply what they learn through projects, internships, and research. We succeed in our mission to produce graduates capable of taking leadership positions in the fields of electrical engineering and computer science. The Faculty carries out research  into automation, robotics, system analysis, signal conversion, analysis, synthesis and system design, electronic and telecommunications systems.


dr hab. inż. Roman Deniziak, prof. PŚk


building D, room 17

tel. 41 34 24 129, 170



dr hab. inż. Andrzej Chojnacki, prof. PŚk

Director of disciplines of science automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies

building D room 15

tel. +48 41 34 24 260



dr inż. Barbara Łukawska

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs

computer science

building D, room 20

tel. +48 41 34 24 128



dr inż. Andrzej Stobiecki

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs

electrical engineering, energy engineering, industrial automation and electrical engineering, computer systems and networking

building D, room 19

tel. +48 41 34 24 297



Deans office contact details

building D, room 18

tel. +48 41 34 24 129
fax +48 41 34 47 758

Students office contact details

building D, room 21

tel. +48 41 34 24 128