Orientation Day for new exchange students

Orientation Day for new exchange students

The Kielce University of Technology once again welcomed new Erasmus+ exchange students who have decided to study the summer semester at our University.

On February 29, 2024, the employees of the Department of Staff Development and International Cooperation organized an Orientation Day for the newly arrived Erasmus+ students from partner universities in Turkey, Italy, Romania, Spain, and Ukraine.

The event was attended by the Vice-Rector for Science and Development, dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Makieła, Prof. PŚk representing the University authorities, the Faculty Coordinators of the Erasmus+ program, and a group of Polish student “buddies” who enthusiastically participated in the integration process and welcomed our new international students.

During the meeting, students had the opportunity to get familiar with the Kielce University of Technology and receive valuable advice and tips regarding their stay at our university and life in our city.

Everyone had a chance to chat to each other while having some refreshments. The friendly atmosphere of the meeting undoubtedly contributed to a closer acquaintance and integration among the participants.

We would like to thank all the participants for their involvement in the event, and we wish the new Erasmus+ exchange students a successful stay in Kielce and at our university.

We want to remind the students at KUT that they have the opportunity to become buddies with new exchange students and assist them in getting familiar with the city and its surroundings. To do so, please get in touch with IRO.