Please read below carefully information concerning organization of the University’s activities during the period of the risk of COVID-19 infection.
Student Dormitory
Safety at the Student Dormitory of the Kielce University of Technology
§ 16. 1.At each entrance to the Student Dormitory, there are dispensers with disinfectant, together with bilingual instruction manuals.
2. The person entering the building is obliged to disinfect their hands with disinfectant in accordance with the instructions and observe the rules of social distance (at least 1.5 metres).
3.When entering the building and when using the common area (corridors, kitchens, lifts), mouth and nose must be covered (using a mask, visor, etc.).
4.Only the maximum number of people specified in the bilingual information on the door may stay at the same time in public places such as kitchen, TV room, lifts, etc.
5 .Gathering must be avoided and administrative matters must be contacted by phone or e-mail.
6. A ban on gatherings and a ban on external visitors until further notice.
7.Residents of Student Dormitory who notice any signs of illness indicating COVID-19 are obliged to immediately report this by phone to the Dormitory manager and refrain from moving in the common areas of the building. The manager of the Department or an employee appointed by him/her contacts the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in order to determine the further course of action.
8. In each Dormitory there is a secure room for isolation.
9. The manager of the Dormitory is obliged to establish a list of persons who have had direct contact with a person with symptoms of COVID -19.
10.Postal consignments or those delivered by couriers must be disinfected before they are put into further circulation.
11 12.12.In each Dormitory on the bulletin board there are important telephone numbers (especially emergency and sanitary numbers).
13.If possible, students will be accommodated in separate rooms with access to an individual sanitary facility.
14 The Dormitory manager will provide equipment and means and monitor daily cleaning work, with particular emphasis on ongoing disinfection of touch surfaces: lifts, handrails, handles, light switches, handles, flat surfaces, including worktops in kitchen rooms.
Reception functioning
§ 17.1.Only 1 person may be present at the reception desk.
2.The duration of the person’s stay at the reception desk is limited to a minimum.
3 For the safety of students and staff, it is recommended that payments be made to the account of the student’s accomodation.
4 The Dormitory administration provides staff with disposable gloves, hand disinfectants and masks.
Student rooms and other rooms
§ 18.1.After each student’s stay, it is mandatory to clean the room and bathroom with disinfectants and to ventilate the room.2.If a resident of the student dormitory estate is confirmed to be infected with coronavirus, the rooms in which the sick person has stayed must be treated with ozone disinfection.
Entrance to the University
§ 3.1.Entrance to the University is open provided that the rules set out in Rector’s Regulation no 81/20 are observed.
2.After entering and leaving the University building, hands should be disinfected with a disinfectant (according to the instruction). The dispensers with the liquid are available in designated places.
Entry to the University for students and PhD students
§ 5. 1.Entry to the University for students and PhD students solely for the purpose of participating in classes is open under the rules laid down in the Regulation on the conditions for the realisation of teaching hours which cannot be realised with the use of distance learning methods and techniques and the use of the University’s infrastructure.
2 Upon consent of the head of PhD studies or the head of the PhD school, doctoral students may conduct research at the University within a specified period of time.
3 PhD students, in order to settle an individual case, have the right to enter the University pursuant to the rules for third parties specified in
§ 6.4.Members of student government for purposes related to the activity of the self-government have open access to the University.
International cooperation
§ 12.1.International cooperation in the field of trips and arrivals of employees, students and doctoral students for scientific or didactic purposes is based on the regulations in force at the Kielce University of Technology, with particular emphasis on the sanitary regulations in force in Poland and in the country of destination, as well as in the transit countries.
2.Persons leaving and arriving should have appropriate health insurance.
3.Persons leaving within the framework of international academic exchange programmes, i.e. Erasmus+, CEEPUS, should have appropriate confirmation from the host entity of the possibility of carrying out the exchange within a given period of time. The relevant confirmation should be submitted together with the application submitted for approval.
4.People planning to travel abroad should familiarise themselves with and include in their plans the applicable guidelines and information for travellers on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Full Polish version of Rector’s Regulation no 81/20 can be found here: Zarz_R_81_20