

Rekrutujemy na wyjazdy i praktyki w ramach programu Erasmus + na kolejny rok akademicki 2020/21!

Drodzy Studenci, Ruszyła rekrutacja studentów do programu Erasmus+ na rok akademicki 2020/2021. To niepowtarzalna okazja, aby doświadczyć życia w obcym kraju oraz spróbować studiów na innej uczelni! Zdajemy sobie sprawę z obecnej przejmującej i smutnej sytuacji, której wszyscy doświadczamy. Mamy nadzieję i życzymy tego sobie i wszystkim by ten trudny czas przeminął. Zachęcamy Was do […]


‘We’re all in this together’ – Kielce University of Technology solidarity against coronavirus.

Our University supports the medical staff in their fight with COVID-19. Employees and students of Kielce University of Technology will print medical helmets! In the near future about twenty 3D printers will be engaged to produce over seventy helmets per day. The first batch of several helmets has already been sent to the main hospital […]


Rector’s Regulation No. 35/20 on the organization of classes at the Kielce University of Technology using distance learning methods and techniques.

Please read below translation of  Rector’s Regulation No. 35/20 on the organization of classes at the Kielce University of Technology using distance learning methods and techniques. Here you can find Polish language version:  Zarz_R_35_20 Regulation No. 35/20 of the Rector of the Kielce University of Technology dated 24 March 2020 on the organization of classes at […]


Rector’s order on limiting the functioning of the university until 10 of April 2020

Please find below translation of Rector’s Order Nr 33/2020 of 24th March 2020. Polish language version is available here: Zarz_R_33_20 Rector’s order on limitation of the functioning of the Kielce University of Technology. On the basis of § 19 sec. 3 point 13 of the Statute adopted by resolution of the Senate No. 209/19 of […]


How to protect yourself against COVID – 19?

Know How it Spreads There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). Through respiratory droplets […]


Limitation of the functioning of the Kielce University of Technology between 18 – 25 March.

Please read below translated version of the latest Rector’s Order 32/20 of 17 March 2020. The original Polish language version is available here: Zarz_R_32_30 On the basis of § 19 sec. 3 point 13 of the Statute adopted by resolution of the Senate No. 209/19 of June 262019 as amended and art. 51 section 1 […]


Lectures, classes, events suspended due to coronavirus threat. Rector’s Order 28/20 11 March 2020.

Please find below Rector’s Order 28/20 of 11 March 2020, full version in Polish Language is available here: Zarz_R_28_20 §1.1 In connection with the increasing risk of the spread of the contagious disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 in order to protect the health of the University community members, the  preventive measures and actions introduced […]


Important information for students and employees – regarding COVID-19.

Please read below translation of Rector’s Order in relation to reducing the risk of infection by COVID- 19. Please head to the following link Zarz_R_27_20 where you can find Rector’s Order No. 27/2020 in Polish language. Rector´s order No. 27/2020 – of 5 March 2020regarding suspension of  international mobilities (incoming and outgoing) of KUT employees […]