

Rector’s Regulation No. 35/20 on the organization of classes at the Kielce University of Technology using distance learning methods and techniques.

Please read below translation of  Rector’s Regulation No. 35/20 on the organization of classes at the Kielce University of Technology using distance learning methods and techniques. Here you can find Polish language version:  Zarz_R_35_20 Regulation No. 35/20 of the Rector of the Kielce University of Technology dated 24 March 2020 on the organization of classes at […]


Rector’s order on limiting the functioning of the university until 10 of April 2020

Please find below translation of Rector’s Order Nr 33/2020 of 24th March 2020. Polish language version is available here: Zarz_R_33_20 Rector’s order on limitation of the functioning of the Kielce University of Technology. On the basis of § 19 sec. 3 point 13 of the Statute adopted by resolution of the Senate No. 209/19 of […]


How to protect yourself against COVID – 19?

Know How it Spreads There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). Through respiratory droplets […]


Limitation of the functioning of the Kielce University of Technology between 18 – 25 March.

Please read below translated version of the latest Rector’s Order 32/20 of 17 March 2020. The original Polish language version is available here: Zarz_R_32_30 On the basis of § 19 sec. 3 point 13 of the Statute adopted by resolution of the Senate No. 209/19 of June 262019 as amended and art. 51 section 1 […]


Lectures, classes, events suspended due to coronavirus threat. Rector’s Order 28/20 11 March 2020.

Please find below Rector’s Order 28/20 of 11 March 2020, full version in Polish Language is available here: Zarz_R_28_20 §1.1 In connection with the increasing risk of the spread of the contagious disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 in order to protect the health of the University community members, the  preventive measures and actions introduced […]


Important information for students and employees – regarding COVID-19.

Please read below translation of Rector’s Order in relation to reducing the risk of infection by COVID- 19. Please head to the following link Zarz_R_27_20 where you can find Rector’s Order No. 27/2020 in Polish language. Rector´s order No. 27/2020 – of 5 March 2020regarding suspension of  international mobilities (incoming and outgoing) of KUT employees […]


Orientation Day Summer Semester 2019/2020

On 28th February, Department of Staff Development and International Relations organized first part of an Orientation Day with informative seminars for Erasmus and exchange students coming from 🇹🇷 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇮🇹 for summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020. During the Orientation Day, the exchange students were introduced to the university itself and were provided […]


Trwa nabór do programów stypendialnych Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta

Program Fulbrighta to największy program wymiany naukowej i kulturowej Stanów Zjednoczonych. Od ponad 70 lat wspiera współpracę na rzecz rozwoju nauki, kultury oraz relacji międzyludzkich i międzyinstytucjonalnych pomiędzy Stanami Zjednoczonymi a ponad 160 krajami. Ze stypendium Fulbrighta skorzystało już ponad 3000 polskich studentów, badaczy i nauczycieli akademickich. Fulbright Graduate Student Award 2021-22 to program dla […]