We would like to inform you that on 4 November we start physical education classes in the remote system.
The classes include students from the summer semester of the academic year 2019/ 2020 as well as students who are completing physical education classes in accordance with the programme of classes of the academic year 2020/2021.
Information on how to contact individual teachers can be found in the instruction below.
Classes will be held in accordance with the PE course schedule on the Sports Centre website.
All instructions and the physical education classes can be found below.
Timetable you can find here: https://tu.kielce.pl/start/studenci/centrum-sportu/plan-zajec/
The videos recorded by the students must be sent by WeTransfer https://wetransfer.com/
The students’ recordings should be sent to the staff conducting classes in the given groups to the following e-mail addresses:
dr Stanisław Hojda shojda@tu.kielce.pl
Marek Kalwat MA mkalwat@tu.kielce.pl
Jarosław mgr Niebudek niebudek@tu.kielce.pl
Katarzyna Siudak MA ksiudak@tu.kielce.pl
Wiesława Soboń M.Sc. wsobon@tu.kielce.pl
Artur Obarzanek M.Sc. aobarzanek@tu.kielce.pl
All e-mail addresses can be found on the website: https://bip.tu.kielce.pl/pracownicy/?extra_column_3=39
Films recorded by students should be entitled as follows:
Name, surname, faculty, day, time of PE classes
e.g.: Jan Kowalski WZiMKK Wednesday 8:00
The physical education classes are conducted remotely. To take part in consultation with the Teacher, go to the website: https://meet1.tu.kielce.pl/ enter the name of the teacher and, at the end of the class, the date of the class in day format (two digits) and month format (no dots, spaces, etc.) e.g.: marekkalwat0610
Remote teaching – physical education classes winter semester academic year 2020/2021 Tutorial videos can be found on the YouTube channel of the Kielce University of Technology under the following link: