On 16-17 June, 2016, the University representatives, Ms Ewa Włodarczyk, Erasmus+ Coordinator, and dr Dorota Wiraszka, the Faculty Coordinator (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Computer Studies), visited the partner University – Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha in Albacete, Spain. The aim of the visit was to become familiar with the Spanish University educational offer provided for the outgoing and incoming Erasmus students. Our representatives participated in a meeting with Ms Amaya Zalacin Aramburu, Coordinator of International Affairs at Albacete , who thoroughly introduced and described the Spanish University. During a meeting with Mr Valentin Miguel Eguia, the Director and Francisco Garcia-Sevilla, the Vice- Director of School of Industrial Engineering, our representatives had the opportunity to visit laboratories and get familiar with the School’s operation. The Kielce University of Technology was also presented during the meetings with teachers and students. As several students of Albacete University are going to arrive at Kielce within the Erasmus + Programme in the upcoming academic year 2016/2017, they could have been able to get detailed information on courses taught in English at our University, the application procedures, as well as other useful pieces of device on accommodation or the cost of living in Kielce. Presently, one of our students is studying at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ms Liliana Kułakowska, who is very satisfied with her visit at the University. She declared enthusiastically to become a Mentor and offered her help and assistance for the foreign students incoming to Kielce University of Technology.