Regulation No. 67/20 of the Rector of the Kielce University of Technology of 14 July 2020 on resuming international departures and arrivals of students, PhD students and employees Pursuant to Article 23 section 1 of the Act of 20 July 2018. The Law on Higher Education and Science in connection with (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, 85 as amended) The following is administered:
§ 1. International cooperation in the field of departures and arrivals of employees, students and PhD students for scientific or didactic purposes is resumed at the Kielce University of Technology, taking into account the applicable sanitary regulations and guidelines in force in Poland and in the destination country and transit countries.
§2. 1.Until August 31, 2020, travelling abroad and reception of guests from abroad takes place with the consent of the Rector.
2. Outgoing and incoming people should have appropriate health insurance.
3. When planning a trip, the host entity shall be contacted in advance as to whether it is possible to carry out the planned journey and confirmation from the host entity of the possibility of carrying out the trip or a statement to that effect shall be provided.
§3.2 Regulation No 27/20 of 3 March 2020 on the suspension of international trips and arrivals of students, PhD students and employees and the possibility of working or studying at home due to the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 infectious disease SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) is repealed.
§4. The Regulation comes into force on the day of its signing.
Polish language version is available here: Zarz_R_67_20