Od soboty, 24 października, w  całej Polsce obowiązują nowe zasady bezpieczeństwa/A New List of Restrictions Due to COVID-19 is Announced by Government

Od soboty, 24 października, w całej Polsce obowiązują nowe zasady bezpieczeństwa/A New List of Restrictions Due to COVID-19 is Announced by Government

From Saturday 24th October the whole territory of Poland becomes a red zone. 

The restriction connected to education, culture, and sport:

  • Primary schools (grades IV to VIII) work in remote mode (till November 8).
  • From 8 Am to 4 Pm, children up to 16 years old cannot go out alone, only under the supervision of an adult.
  • For two weeks restaurants, pubs, cafes can only prepare takeaway and delivery meals. The tightening may be extended, depending on the further outcomes of the pandemic.
  • It is forbidden to gather more than five people during events, meetings, and gatherings in public spaces (except for business meetings)
  • Sports events without audience participation are allowed
  • Cultural events – up to 25% of the audience

The restriction connected to community life:

  • Seniors over 70 years of age should not move out, and preferably not leave the house.
  • Restriction on sanatoriums is announced. The institutions will be closed at the moment.
  • The final decision on possible restrictions and rules for cemeteries will be made next week. The prime minister called on November 1 to stay at home. There are no additional restrictions in the churches.

Stay safe and take of yourself!

source:NAWA, KPMRM