CEEPUS is the short form for Central European Exchange Program for University Studies and is a multilateral University exchange program in the extended Danube region based on an international Agreement. There are 15 member states who joined the current CEEPUS III agreement, each member state has a National CEEPUS Office.

The main activity of CEEPUS are networks of eligible universities of the CEEPUS member states operating joint programs. Within these networks CEEPUS covers mobility grants for students and teachers of those eligible universities. Since 1995 approximate 82.000 mobility applications have been awarded in the framework of our program.

CEEPUS is based on lean management. The highest-ranking decision making CEEPUS body is the Joint Committee of Ministers that meets once a year and takes all strategic decisions.

🌎 Current member countries:

Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. The Universities of Pristina, Prizren, Peja et al. are also participating.

The CEEPUS programme offers:

short-term grants

as part of Network mobility

short-term grants

as part of the “Freemover” mobility

short-term grants

as part of the Summer Schools and Intensive Courses mobility.

The following individuals are eligible to apply for CEEPUS foreign grants:


doctoral students


Scholarship rates Academic year 2024/25 (INCOMINGS):

Bachelor (1st cycle) student and
uniform Master student 1-3 year

2 000,00 PLN

Basic medical insurance (optional if needed paid from scholarship).

Master student (2nd cycle) and
uniform Master student 4-6 year

2 000,00 PLN

Basic medical insurance (optional if needed paid from scholarship).

PhD student (3rd cycle) or
Teacher with Master Degree

2 500,00 PLN

Basic medical insurance (optional if needed paid from scholarship).

Teacher with PhD Degree

3 500,00 PLN

Basic medical insurance (optional if needed paid from scholarship).


Bachelor (1st cycle) student and
uniform Master student 1-3 year – VIRTUAL

1 000,00 PLN

For accepted and granted virtual mobility in Poland.

Master student (2nd cycle) and
uniform Master student 4-6 year – VIRTUAL

1 000,00 PLN

For accepted and granted virtual mobility in Poland.

PhD student (3rd cycle) or
Teacher with Master Degree – VIRTUAL

1 250,00 PLN

For accepted and granted virtual mobility in Poland.

Teacher with PhD Degree – VIRTUAL

1 750,00 PLN

For accepted and granted virtual mobility in Poland.

Kielce University of Technology is actively engaged in the CEEPUS Agreement.

The University coordinator is Prof. Stanisław Adamczak.

In the academic year 2024/25 Kielce University of Technology and its three Faculties take part in the CEEPUS networks:

Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering

Coordinator contact: dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Stępień, prof. PŚk 

email: k.stepien@tu.kielce.pl

  • CIII-PL-0007-20-2425 „Metronet -network for novel measuring and manufacturing technologies” – Coordinating institution:  Kielce University of Technology
  • RS-1813-02-2425 (Umbrella) Metrology, quality and environmental aspects in Industry 4.0 – Coordinating institution: University of Novi Sad Serbia
  • CIII-HR-0108-18-2425 „Concurrent Product and Technology Development -Teaching, Research and Implementation of Joint Programs Oriented in Production and Industrial Engineering” – Coordinating institution: University of Rijeka

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Computer Science

Coordinator contact: dr inż. Adam Krechowicz,

email: a.krechowicz@tu.kielce.pl

  • CIII-PL-1509-05-2425 “Internet of Things and Teleinformatics – ITT network” – Coordinating institution:  Kielce University of Technology

Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Renewable Energy

Coordinator contact: dr hab. inż. Łukasz Orman, prof. PŚk 

email: orman@tu.kielce.pl

  • CIII-SK-0405-16-2425 (Umbrella) „ Renewable Energy Sources” – Coordinating institution: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

All procedures, information and rules of application can be found www.nawa.gov.pl and www.ceepus.info